Well the google robots have locked down my REVIT ROCKS! blog for reasons of SPAM BLOGGING !! and then provide absolutely no means of contacting them. It's been that way for 3 weeks with no resolution or contact what so ever. Power like that scares me.
In doing so I am unable to make any more posts at the revit rocks site and I am totally out in the cold. That is until an actual living breathing person figures out whether or not I am a SPAM BLOGGER !!
It's unreal. What's next I have to ask. I can't say that I have ever experienced anything like this.
I have nothing on the site but pictures, text and video all managed thru their own interface. No code, nothing fancy. Except for Adsense of course so they can make their money. I cannot see how I would have anything that even remotely resembles the intelligence of Spam Blogging on my site. Let alone shut me out for 3 weeks with no contact or communication.
Could this be the devious sabotage work from a competing CAD group or person? It's not hard to do. All you have to do is report a blogger url to google and they'll take it from there.
So, you can't keep a good man down, I always say. So until further notice all new REVIT ROCKS posts will be at this new url > http://www.revitrocks2.blogspot.com/
Click REVIT ROCKS ! for many more blog posts.
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